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Frequently Asked Questions: Parking Permits

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I’m a Stanford-affiliated or sponsored commuter. How do I determine which permit is best for me?

Stanford-affiliated or sponsored commuters need to purchase a daily or monthly virtual permit to park in an ‘A’, ‘C’ or ‘C-SRWC’, 'Z',’ ‘MC' or ‘MC-SRWC’ parking space Monday through Friday between 6 a.m. - 4 p.m. (note: parking enforcement in the oval extends until 6 p.m.) A limit of one permit type per customer applies. Commuters may not purchase resident zone permits. (See the Parking and Circulation Map or Stanford's Searchable Map for the parking zone locations). Pricing varies by permit type: 

  • 'A' 

    • 'A' permits cost more but are closest to buildings and generally offer greater availability. If you use your car during the day for travel around campus or to return from off-campus sites, an 'A' permit increases the chances of finding convenient parking. An ‘A’ permit is also valid in a ‘C’ or ‘C-SRWC’ space at the Stanford or Stanford Redwood City campus but not in ‘Z’ spaces.
  • 'C' or ‘C-SRWC’

    • 'C' or ‘C-SRWC’ permits provide parking at a lower cost, but spaces are in higher demand and are generally located a greater distance from buildings and the center of campus. Expect to walk or bike some distance or take a free Marguerite shuttle to your destination. These spaces fill by mid-morning. The ‘C’ or ‘C-SRWC’ permits are only valid in ‘C’ at Stanford and Stanford Redwood City campuses.
  • 'Z' 

    • ‘Z’ permits provide parking at a lower cost, but spaces are in higher demand and are generally located a greater distance from buildings and the center of campus. Expect to walk or bike some distance or take a free Marguerite shuttle to your destination. These spaces fill by mid-morning. The ‘Z’ permit is only valid in ‘Z’ spaces.
  • ‘MC’ or ‘MC-SRWC’

    • All Motorcycles, scooters, and mopeds need a permit. The permit is valid only for ‘MC’ spaces at the Stanford and Stanford Redwood City campuses. Alternatively, if you want more flexibility, you can purchase an 'A' or 'C' permit valid in their respective spaces and also valid in 'MC' spaces. Do not park in bike racks.

Parking Permit Quick Reference: What am I eligible for, and where can I park?

Permit Type:Who can purchase:Valid in:
'A'Faculty, staff, sponsored university affiliates/others, commuting students, and eligible hospital employees.'A', 'C', and shared residential spaces
Business 'A'Departments, Vendors, Consultants and Contractors'A', 'C', and shared residential spaces
'C'Faculty, staff, sponsored university affiliates/others, commuting students, and eligible hospital employees hired before 1/1/2019.'C' spaces and shared residential spaces
'Z'Any hospital employee who started on or after 1/1/2019 and any non-affiliated hospital employee (temporary employees & travel nurses.) With the exception of Hospital medical residents, interns or fellows who can get 'A' or 'C'.'Z' spaces at Hoover Pavilion Garage or Stock Farm Garage
Residential*Resident Students can purchase one permit for their housing area. Resident couples can purchase 2 and families can purchase up to 3. All resident students can purchase daily residential permits. First-year students can only purchase dailies for guests.Resident or student living on campus (non-frosh) can purchase a permit for the area in which they live: 'EA', 'ES', 'EVF', 'SJ', 'SO', & 'WE'
SRWC 'C'SRWC employeesSRWC 'C' permits can be used in 'C' spaces on the Stanford campus but not in residential spaces.
'MC' Faculty, staff, sponsored university affiliates/others, students, and eligible hospital employees.Designated motorcycle spaces (hash marks)
SRWC 'MC'SRWC employeesDesignated motorcycle spaces (hash marks)
Visitor *AnyoneStanford Visitor Parking Maps and Locations
SRWC Visitor *AnyoneStanford Redwood City Visitor Parking Maps and Locations
Event ParkingDepartments'E' spaces at Varsity, Track House & Searsville Lots
Service VehicleDepartments, Vendors & Contractors

Service Vehicle/University Vehicle spaces, 'A', 'C', Residential and Visitor spaces, must observe posted signs & time limits.


How do I determine whether a daily or a monthly parking permit makes more financial sense? 

Choose your permit based on how many days you plan to work on campus. If you need to park six days or less a month, buying daily ‘A’  or ‘C’ parking will reduce your commuting costs. A monthly parking permit is the most economical option if you plan to park for six days or more.

How does my virtual permit work?

Instead of displaying a physical parking permit, your license plate is your virtual permit. Your permit is immediately valid once you enter your vehicle information and complete the purchase.  Use our Parking Permit Management System to purchase, exchange, or return virtual permits. 

Parking permits "How to" guide

View “How To” Guides

Current Stanford University Affiliate Parking Permit Prices

Pricing Effective January 1, 2025

Permit TypeDailyMonthly
SRWC 'MC'$3.50$17
Residential ('EA', 'ES', 'EVF', 'SO', 'SJ', 'WE')$8$47

Please note these permits are only available to eligible Stanford University faculty, staff, postdocs, graduate and undergraduate students, and sponsored affiliates.

Current Stanford Health Care/Stanford Children's Health Affiliate Parking Permit Prices

Pricing Effective January 1, 2025

Permit TypeDailyMonthly
'C - SRWC'$7.50$45

Please note these permits are only available to eligible Stanford Medicine employees and sponsored affiliates.

How does parking permit proration work if I buy a monthly, quarterly, or auto-renew permit toward the end of a month?

If you purchase a permit near the end of the month, your permit cost may be prorated based on the number of business days remaining in the month. (proration is calculated at the current permit daily rate x number of remaining parking days) Note: Resident permits will be prorated based on a seven-day week.

Can I purchase a calendar month permit in advance?

Calendar month permits can be purchased in advance on the first day of the month before they become effective. You can buy more than one month at a time but must purchase each month in separate transactions.

What is a Monthly Auto-Renew parking permit?

Monthly Auto-Renew permits become effective on the selected start date. The permit then automatically renews, and invoices are issued monthly at the beginning of each calendar month until canceled. You only need to make changes if:

  • Vehicle information changes (add a new vehicle, remove a vehicle, add a rental car)
  • No longer need the permit
  • Change your permit type (example: change from ‘C’ to ‘A’)

Use the "I’m a Stanford-affiliated or sponsored commuter. How do I determine which permit is best for me?" to help you decide what to purchase.

How does a Quarterly permit work?

Quarterly permits coincide with the academic calendar and are typically valid for two to four calendar months. During the purchase of this permit, you will be invoiced for the first month. Subsequent months are invoiced at the beginning of each calendar month until paid in full or canceled. Quarterly permits become available for purchase approximately two weeks before the first effective date. You only need to change the permit if:

  • Vehicle information changes (add a new vehicle, remove a vehicle, add a rental car)
  • No longer need the permit

How do I change my permit type?

If you would like to change your permit from a ‘C’ to an ‘A’ or vice-versa, follow these steps:

  1. Request to cancel your current parking permit.
  2. You will receive an email confirmation with the date your permit will expire.
  3. Login to and purchase your new parking permit beginning the 1st of the following month. Remember, you can only purchase the new parking permit the day after the current one expires.

Note: You can purchase daily permits if you would like to begin parking in an ‘A’ space before the new permit becomes effective.

I am logged into the new parking permit system but do not see any vehicle information on my account.

Your vehicle information won't show on your account if you do not have an active permit. However, when you go through the permit purchase process, you'll see the vehicles previously associated with your parking permits. You can select a vehicle from that list or add a new one.

Terms and Conditions: Parking Permit (Full Version)

By using Stanford’s parking permit system, customers agree to the following:


  • I understand that parking permits should only be purchased as needed. All parking permits (including those purchased for departments, contractors, and vendors), except quarterly and monthly auto-renew permits, are invoiced in full when purchased and are non-refundable.
  • I authorize recurring payments for quarterly and monthly auto-renew permits to be charged once monthly until paid in full or canceled.
  • I understand only future recurring payments for quarterly and monthly auto-renew permits can be stopped by canceling the parking permit after the first effective month.
  • I understand I am responsible for contacting Stanford Transportation about any interruptions in scheduled payments.
  • If a scheduled payment is rejected for any reason, I must immediately pay Stanford Transportation the total amount of the expected payment upon their request.
  • I understand that long-term permits that begin near the end of a month may be prorated for the first month. Recurring monthly charges will be charged at the prevailing monthly rate.
  • I understand permit rates are typically updated annually on Sept. 1. However, Stanford Transportation reserves the right to change its rates and services at its discretion. If there are changes to our terms and rates, Stanford Transportation will make the changes available on relevant pages of its website. Your continued use of the parking permit or service will signify your acceptance of any adjustment to these terms and rates.


  • I understand that a parking permit allows me to park only one vehicle per day in the area(s) based on the permit type.
  • I understand that a parking permit does not guarantee a parking space in my desired area(s). Parking is accommodated on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • I understand that if I am a Stanford University employee that I must use my Stanford University account to purchase permits.
  • I understand that if I am a Stanford Health Care employee that I must use my Stanford Health Care account to purchase permits.
  • I understand that if I am a Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital employee that I must use my Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital account to purchase permits.
  • I understand that the parking permits I purchase are intended for my use only on my registered vehicles and are not eligible for transfer or sharing with any other person unless explicitly indicated on the permit.
  • I will not purchase a parking permit for a vehicle registered to a first-year student. This is a violation of the Frosh Parking Policy.
  • I understand that transferring, falsifying, or misusing the permit may permanently revoke my parking and transportation privileges and lead to administrative, disciplinary, and/or legal action.
  • I also agree to abide by the terms set forth in the following and understand that violations of these terms may lead to a citation(s), towing at the owner’s expense, and/or revocation of parking privileges:

Permit Cancellation/Return Policy


  • I understand that a vehicle may be towed at the owner’s expense if it is parked in a visitor or commuter lot for more than 72 hours or in a resident student lot while the registered owner is not in residence.
  • I understand that any vehicle I park in a commuter space must fit within a single parking space.
  • The University is not responsible for the loss or damage to vehicles or their contents caused by but not limited to, fire, theft, or collision.
  • I also agree to abide by the terms set forth in the following and understand that violations of these terms may lead to a citation(s), towing at the owner’s expense, and/or revocation of parking privileges:

Stanford University Traffic and Parking Code.


By providing my PTA or Cost Center number, my department approver is authorizing Stanford Transportation to charge the amount of the permit purchased to the PTA/Cost Center. In addition, the PTA or Cost Center number I provide is a valid and active account.

I agree to abide by the procurement policies outlined in the university’s Administrative Guide. University funds must be used exclusively for department business and for permits used by contractors, consultants, and auditors who bill their costs to the department or project. University funds may not be used to pay for permits needed as a part of any employee’s or student’s commute.

Vendors and Contractor Permits

If applicable, I agree to the following terms and information:

Permit Cancellation/Return Policy

Parking permits should only be purchased as needed. All parking permits, except quarterly and monthly auto-renew permits, are invoiced in full when purchased and are non-refundable. Only future recurring payments for quarterly and monthly auto-renew permits can be stopped by canceling the parking permit after the first effective month. Cancellation requests must be submitted by the 15th of the month to stop future recurring payments. Requests submitted after the 15th will result in one final monthly charge and remain effective until the last day of the following month.

How to return/cancel your commuter or resident permit

Return your permit using the permit management system. For step-by-step instructions, please refer to our "How To Request Cancellation of a Quarterly or Monthly Auto-Renew Parking Permit".

How are parking permits priced?

The long-established parking permit prices are designed with specific goals in mind. The ‘A’ permit is intended as a tool for university affiliates who need mobility throughout the day. The ‘A’ permit provides additional flexibility on arrival time and proximity to their work location. The ‘C’ permit is a less expensive alternative to the ‘A’ for university affiliates who come in and/or leave early and don’t have to use or move their cars during the day.

How are parking rates set?

Parking pricing is vital to an efficient parking system and represents Stanford's commitment to sustainability by reducing drive-alone and peak-hour commute trips. 

  • As the campus population grows and services become more expensive, the costs associated with these and other sustainable commute programs, including the free Marguerite Shuttle, also increase. More details in "Why Does Stanford Charge for Parking?" 
  • Revenue from parking permits helps fund parking maintenance and sustainable transportation programs. 
  • Our permit system and parking fee structure ensure effective parking management and sufficient parking availability. 
  • Research shows parking fees are critical to reducing the drive-alone rate - a top sustainability goal for Stanford that is also important for meeting campus and hospital land use regulations set by Santa Clara County and the City of Palo Alto, respectively.

Will Stanford increase the number of ‘C’ parking spaces?

Stanford Transportation continually monitors parking space inventory and adjusts available permit-type inventory based on the parking demand. To justify the cost of the 'A' permit, the University ensures ‘A’ parking is always readily available, which might explain why you may see empty ‘A’ spaces when driving through a campus parking facility. It’s imperative to ensure that affiliates who purchase an ‘A’ can always find a space. 

What are my options besides parking at Stanford for a more relaxing, sustainable commute that can save me money?

Join thousands of peers and colleagues who take advantage of Stanford’s generous commute incentives – even if you choose a sustainable commute for just a day or two a month. 

Will Park Mobile remain the option for visitor parking at Stanford now that the new permit parking management system has been launched?


Do I need to have a parking permit for a government-owned vehicle?

No, vehicles displaying government seals or government plates do not need a parking permit to park in Service Vehicle (SV), Visitor (P), commuter (A, C, and Z), and residential (EA, ES, EVF, SJ, SO, WE) permit spaces. However, you must observe posted signs & time limits.