Purchase Parking
Stanford Transportation has implemented a virtual permit system. Commuters, residents, and departments can purchase virtual parking permits, enter license plate information for vehicles they plan to park on campus, and link those vehicles to their permits. Visitors can use ParkMobile in visitor parking areas. Tour groups must reserve parking spaces in advance.

University Resident Parking
University residents (and non-first-year students) with an active housing contract can buy permits for their designated house or dorm areas but will not have the option to purchase 'A' or 'C' commuter permits. If you want to be more environmentally friendly, consider a car-free lifestyle.

Vendor Parking
Vendor parking is available to businesses with contracts or agreements with the university including banks, janitorial, food service businesses, consultants, and auditors. Authorized vendor contacts can request fixed-term parking and will have access to purchase daily and annual parking permits.